Faster greening is the purpose: Sev.en Energy and ČEZ agree on an earlier sale of the Počerady Power Station
Press Release
Prague, 22 October 2020 - Sev.en Energy Group will acquire the Počerady Power Station already this year as of 31 December 2020. This is three years earlier than originally planned. On the part of Sev.en Energy the reason for the agreement is the opportunity to expedite the complete retrofits for greening this major energy generating plant. It has been serving Czech households and companies reliably for tens of years, supplying them with approximately 7% of all electricity consumed.
Under the 2013 contract, Sev.en Energy will acquire from ČEZ the largest thermal power station in the Czech Republic; its installed capacity is 1,000 MW. “Following negotiations with ČEZ, Sev.en Energy will buy the power station for a higher price but three years earlier than originally planned. The reason is that we want to prepare Počerady for meeting the EU’s stringent emission limits, applicable from 2021, as soon as possible,” says Luboš Pavlas, the CEO of Sev.en Energy Group.
The immediate overhaul of the Počerady Power Station will help the Czech Republic to gain time for a safe transition to alternative energy solutions, such as the construction of a new nuclear power plant or other reliable and green energy capacities. “It will also be an important backup for the daily and yearly periods when mainly photovoltaic and wind power plants supply electricity on an intermittent basis,” adds Mr Pavlas.
Sev.en Energy will rely on its experience with the retrofits of the Chvaletice power station and the Kladno CHP plant for the planned upgrade of the Počerady Power Station. For example, the group is considering using the unique Microvel technology to capture particulates and other pollutants. Počerady’s Unit 6 will be the first to be overhauled. Sev.en Energy is discussing cooperation on this greening project with leading Czech universities, offering them a unique opportunity for applied research.
The last time the power station was modernised and desoxed was between 1994 and 2000, and it was then denoxed in 2014 and 2015. The desoxing line helps the power station to produce, among others, a raw material used in building materials and gypsum board.
Gabriela Sáričková Benešová
Spokesperson for the Sev.en Energy group
Tel: +420 476 203 141
GSM: +420 725 327 758