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The Chvaletice Power Station saves CO2 emissions through record sales of energy by-products

Press Release

Chvaletice, 18 February 2020 – Last year, Sev.en EC sold 347,019 tonnes of certified materials emerging as by-products from energy generation. Thus, it achieved the highest sales since it acquired the Chvaletice Power Station in 2013 and the second highest ever. Energy by-products include fly ash, slag, and gypsum, and are used in the construction industry and in landscaping. These by-products are among the major elements of circular economy, one of the most advanced environmental disciplines. Last year’s record sales of these secondary raw materials helped the power station to save almost 100,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide.

“We have had a fully waste-free operation since 2006. This means that we use all energy by-products to the full and every year spare hundreds of thousands tonnes of material that otherwise would have to be extracted or produced somewhere. This is not talked about too much, but the benefits of large energy generating plants include much more than reliable electricity and heat. I believe that, on the contrary, this will be a major issue in the future, because circular economy is one of the sustainable development hits already today,” says Václav Matys, the Chvaletice Power Station’s CEO.

The application of energy by-products in construction and landscaping is broad indeed. They are used in road and motorway building, land restoration, and the production of masonry, cement, concrete, gypsum board and other building materials. In the past, energy by-products were used for building the Čáslav by-pass and the flood barriers protecting the Pardubice industrial zone. As part of the fight against the climate change, currently the most valuable move is using fly ash as an additive to cement, which generates savings of CO2 emissions amounting to approximately 740 kg per tonne of cement.

“My estimates suggest that in 2019, approximately 130,000 tonnes of fly ash from the Chvaletice Power Station was used as a cement additive. This helped us to save almost 100,000 tonnes of CO2,” discloses Petr Kusebauch, head of procurement at the Chvaletice Power Station.

Every year, the Chvaletice Power Station also produces more than one million tonnes of energy by-products. It uses the larger part of them for restoring the land adjacent to the former pyrite quarry. It achieved the highest ever annual production in 2012 (1,373,000 t) and the highest ever annual sales in 2008 (435,113 t). Last year it sold 347,019 t, which included 208,668 t of fly ash, 19,074 t of slag and 119,355 t of gypsum.

“The construction industry has recently had huge demand for energy by-products in general, and we seek to meet the requirements of all of our customers; however, we have to curtail these requirements, unfortunately, especially in summer when the building season peaks, because the demand exceeds our production capacities,” adds Petr Kusebauch.




Petr Dušek
Sev.en EC contact for the media

GSM: +420 725 727 037


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