Despite record production, the Chvaletice Power Station is cutting emissions
Press Release
Chvaletice, 30 May 2019 – Last year, Sev.en EC’s power station in Chvaletice generated its largest ever quantity of electrical energy. It is thereby gradually returning to its normal operating condition and responds to customers’ rising demand. The 4.7 TWh generated is not yet the operating maximum, but it would anyway be enough to supply the entire Pardubice Region, including households, hospitals and schools, for two years. Thanks to the ongoing greening, the power station is reducing its pollutant emissions despite gradually increasing its production. This is borne out by the data from the Integrated Register of Pollution combined with the power station’s operating data.
Last year, the Chvaletice Power Station released 154 kg of mercury, which is one half less than in 2010 when ČEZ was still operating the plant. Between 2010 and 2018, the emissions of other pollutants also dropped significantly: nitrogen oxides by almost one quarter (from 4,582 t to 3,478 t) and sulphur dioxide by two thirds (from 3,541 t to 1,231 t). At the same time, production in 2010 amounted to 3.2 TWh, i.e. only two thirds of last year’s level.
“We are happy for these numbers because our objective is to generate reliable and weather-independent electricity with the minimum impacts on the environment. Compared with the early 1990s, we are achieving units of per cent of emissions for all major pollutants,” says Václav Matys, the Chvaletice Power Station’s CEO.
What could not be reduced to date are the emissions of particulates, which still copy the development of production. “The precipitators that we had installed did not deliver the required parameters. This is one of the reasons why we terminated the contract with the main supplier of the project some time ago and continue greening the generating units on an in-house basis. Nevertheless, we are approaching the situation where particulate emissions will meet the new European limits,” says Gabriela Sáričková Benešová, spokesperson for Sev.en Energy, the owner of the power station.
The Chvaletice overhaul and greening is currently one of the largest environmental projects in the Czech Republic. The capital project for more than CZK 7 billion is divided into two parts, and the first part is nearing completion.
“We have reached the stage of trial operation and testing at generating units 3 and 4. We are preparing the repair of units 1 and 2 at the same time. The result will be an additional significant reduction in the power station’s impact on the environment and people’s health. Following the completion of the whole scheme, particulate emission levels will drop by 65%, and those of nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide by 42% and 34% respectively compared with 2015,” concludes Václav Matys.
Gabriela Sáričková Benešová
Spokesperson for the Sev.en Energy group
Tel: +420 476 203 141
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