Alan Svoboda becomes Executive Director of international group Sev.en Energy
Press Release
26 February 2018 | Press release | Sev.en Energy
Alan SvobodaAlan Svoboda, former head of strategy and commercial director at ČEZ, has been appointed as Executive Director of the Sev.en Energy group, with main responsibility for strategy and the international growth of Sev.en Energy.
The holding structure will include Pavel Tykač’s energy companies, which have been operating within the Czech Coal and Sev.en groups until the present day. Sev.en Energy intends to invest more than one billion euros in conventional capacities and modern technology, including distributed generation and consumption. It will also look at opportunities for energy supply to end customers, including energy-saving technology.
Alan Svoboda was one of the main architects of ČEZ’s growth and business success. He is one of the most prominent energy experts, has an intimate knowledge of the European energy environment, and on top of this has been involved in a number of international energy transactions. Besides these, he has himself been pursuing new technology and innovations in recent years, investing and assisting with business strategy and development in several technology start-ups in the energy sector.
Between 2004 and 2014, Alan served as head of strategy and commercial director of the ČEZ Group. He was responsible for the Group’s strategy and business development, commodity trading, and sales to end customers. In this position, he was directly involved in the transformation of the ČEZ Group and in the formation of the Czech energy market. Alan also served for a number of years as a member of the Board of Directors of eurelectric, the pan-European Union of the Electricity Industry, as well as on the Board of EFET, the European Federation of Energy Traders.
Prior to this, he was a partner at McKinsey & Company, an international management consulting firm, at which he led many projects in Europe and beyond, mainly in the energy sector.
Alan Svoboda graduated from the Plzeň-based University of West Bohemia with a degree in information technology and applied sciences, has an MBA in finance and an MA in economics from UMKC (University of Missouri-Kansas City) in the United States, and has also successfully completed the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) international post-graduate program in finance.
Alan is married, has three children, and lives in Prague. He is primarily interested in modern technology. He spends most of his leisure time on sports, including playing tennis and golf, as well as jogging, yachting, flying, and skiing. He also enjoys travelling.
Gabriela Sáričková Benešová
mluvčí skupiny Seven Energy
Václava Řezáče 315,
434 01 Most, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 476 203 141
GSM: +420 725 327 758