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> Power and heating generation

Power plant Chvaletice, Czech Republic

Chvaletice Power Plant became a part of the Group in 2013. Group bought the shares in this utility from the CEZ Group. This move marked the Group´s entry into the electricity and heating markets as a major new utility.


TWh produced
electricity in 2021


MW total installed capacity
in Czech Republic


units of the Chvaletice
power station


the year of a total refit of two
power generation units (the second
phase is planned for
the year 2021)

Elektrárna Počerady

With its installed capacity of 5x 200 MW, the Počerady Power plant is one of the largest coal-fired power plants in the country and has been part of the group since the 31st of December 2020. Following its takeover, the group initiated a major overhaul to meet the obligations arising from the stricter BAT emission limits that will come into force during 2021.

1 000

MW of installed



4.7 TWh

of electrical energy
produced in 2021

5.9 %

market share of total
electrical energy produced
in the Czech Republic (2021)

Kladno Heating plant, Czech Republic

Teplárna Kladno s.r.o. is one of a major producers of thermal and electrical energy. It is heat and electricity supplier for Kladno households and industry companies. It plays also an important role for stability of the Czech grid system thanks to providing a grid support services and as a back-up power source for Prague´s Metropolitan Area in the case of total black-out.

Kladno heating plant operates 5 production units (blocks B4, B5, B6, B7 and B8). Four of them are used for prompt heat and electricity production. The primary fuel is coal which can be co-burned with biomass. Modern technology and its operation ensure the maximum reduction of emissions released into the air.

In addition, company operates grid and technology for energy, heat and gas distribution in the industrial area of former Poldi United Steelworks. Company supplies Kladno households and public and private utilities throughout central heating system operate by TEPO – company 100% owned by local municipality. Kladno heating plant is the primary source of heat for City of Kladno.

In the period between 2010 and 2013, a new power unit was constructed to replace the obsolete Unit 3 built in 1976. The new power unit has capacity of 135 megawatts and represents a state-of-the-art fluidized-bed combustion technology. The boiler is equipped so as to comply with the new emission limits under the EU LCP Directive from its commissioning date. The new power unit is situated on the same place as earlier demolished original Boilers 1 and 2. The whole plant is also in compliance with new EU emission limits valid from August 2021.

Total annual production of the Electricity is approximately 2 – 2,2 TWh, heat delivery to the central heating system is 0,8 – 1 PJ.


MW capacity
of cogeneration


production units



20 000

households, incl.
municipality and commercial
buildings supplied
by the heat

Zlin Heating plant, Czech Republic

Teplárna Zlín s.r.o. is producer of thermal and electrical energy. It is heat and electricity supplier for Zlín households and industry companies located in the industrial area of former Baťa shoes company.

Zlín Heating plant operates 2 main production units with CFB boilers (blocks B31, B32) and 3 medium pressure gas boilers for heating. The primary fuel used for heat and electricity production is coal which can be co-burned with biomass and also biogas. Modern technology and its operation ensure the maximum reduction of emissions released into the air.

The second production unit operates by Teplárna Zlín is heating unit „Kocanda“. It ensures heat delivery for local households. It is an independent source with 4 gas hot water boilers, which serves as stand-by and peak source of heat.

In addition, Zlin heating plant operates technology and grid system for distribution of electricity, heat and gas in the former Baťa industry area.

Heating plant operates currently only modern technology which is in compliance with strčit environmental limits of EU and the Czech Republic.

The annual production of electricity is approximately 120 - 130 GWh, heat supply to the central heating system approximately 1 000 000 – 1 200 000 GJ.


MW capacity
of cogeneration


fluidized boilers



17 500

households, incl.
municipality and commercial
buildings supplied
by the heat

”Our mission is to bridge the gap between the world of today and tomorrow's energy.”

> Power Engineering

Sev.en Engineering focuses on the preparation and realisation of modernisation projects, which guarantee the reliable and ecological running of traditional power plants. The scope of offered services covers from project preparation, realisation of construction, technical and organisational activities in areas ranging from fire protection to occupational safety. Last but not least, they are responsible for the maintenance and technical support for the Chvaletice Power Plant.

“We continue the famous tradition of Czech mechanical engineering. The professional competence and long experience of the whole team creates a perfect balance between the optimal planning of power production and the need to protect our environment.”

> Lignite mining and land restoration

Traditionally rooted in the  conventional power‑generating business, we are engaged in  the extraction of coal. We are committed to the responsible mining of domestic lignite, thereby reducing the Czech Republic’s foreign energy dependence while enhancing our industry’s competitiveness and  scaling up affordable heat for  households.

Sev.en Group operates two lignite mines: the CSA surface lignite mine and the Vrsany mine, both located in North Bohemia. With our operations, we contribute to preserving a signifi cant share of lignite in the Czech Republic’s energy mix.


million tons of the finest‑quality lignite mined in 2021 (2 mines combined)


CSA mine and Vrsany mine

1 236

number of employees
(2 mines combined)

1 000

square kilometres of land in the process of restoration

“We strive to limit the environmental impact of our business. More than two thirds of the area affected by our mining activities have been eclaimed or are undergoing reclamation (e.g. forestry, agriculture, hydro or parkland).”

We believe the renewal and creation of land resources in the area affected by industrial activity is a natural part of our work. It is a designed activity, and the individual parts (fields, forests, meadows, water surfaces) must functionally fit together. This creates an environmentally balanced landscape with a stable ecosystem that is economically efficient, healthy, hygienic and socially acceptable. Over the past 60 years, more than 7,000 hectares have been restored and returned to use in one of our localities – the Most region.

Here, along with mining, a reclamation process is under way to create a new multifunctional landscape that includes agricultural and forest land, smaller and larger water surfaces and land left for natural regeneration in appropriate habitats. In places where coal was recently mined, grapes are now harvested, mouflons and foxes roam the reclaimed landscape and we can catch a glimpse of sand martins that nest there every year

45.3 km2

of restored land from the date of privatisation

4 200 000

trees currently planted

> Sev.en
Energy and heat

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